Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Course work

It is hard to argue that technology is not an invasive part of our society and impacts every part of our life, so it stands to reason that would also impact our educational systems. Long gone are the simple days of a chalkboard for classroom instruction. The chalkboard has been replaced “Smartboards”, document cameras, PowerPoint and YouTube. As a substitute teacher I see the impact of technology be incorporated into the classroom environment on a daily basis.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

It isn't easier...It is harder!!!!

When people tell you that dealing with the loss of a loved one gets easier with time, what they forget to mention is that at first it gets harder. Well at least it seems that way to me. At first, I guess I was numb. Yes, it hurt - I would be lying if I said it didn't. However the next week, when life got back to "normal" was even harder. Because even though life was suppose to be returning to "normal" their was nothing normal about it. It isn't the big thing, but all of the little things. Last week I went home to change clothes before class and was leaving a little late and nobody was fussing at me that I was going to be late class, however worrying that I was going to be late seemed to Grandma's job. It just hit me that she wasn't there to fuss at me about running late. That use to drive me crazy, but now I miss it. This morning I needed Kleenex for my purse (I don't leave home without them right now), and Grandma always kept a supply a those pocket packs and I know where she is at she doesn't need Kleenex anymore. However, not needing to ask her if I could take pack made me cry. I never thought that Kleenex could make cry, nor not getting fussed at.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Possible New Adventure

I have been approached by a couple of people, mainly people in my current Sunday School class where I have taught some, about the possibility of me teaching a new adult Sunday School class for singles in my church. As a 36 single, I know that is one area that our church could really expand our ministry. I have been blessed to be a part of classes where it hasn't mattered that I was the only single person. It might have been awkward on occasion, because I couldn't add much to the discussion when people where talking about their spouse or children, but I always felt wanted and welcomed. I have heard from other singles though that hasn't been their experience, and they don't feel like they fit in. It is hard when you feel like you are the only one and not really part of the group.

Here is my hesitation, I have a tendency to spread myself to thin. I LOVE serving in our worship arts ministry and I will always be a part of that. I also really enjoy working with our Children's ministry assisting with the technical stuff on Sunday morning. I just don't know if I will be able to continue to do that and take this on as well. Please pray with me as I seek the Lord on this next adventure.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Big Decision - Input requested

I have had the pure pleasure to support Shep and Andrea as Shep has ran for the State House. I can't imagine a better man for the job. Unfortunately, because of school, I haven't had much time to lend my support, but now that school is almost finished for the summer I hope that I can help out more.

Now for the big decision. After fall, assuming that I pass everything, I will have 11 classes to finish and my two internships in order to graduate. What I need to figure out, is how do I want to do them. I'm taking 4 classes in the spring, I have to remain a full-time student, so that leaves 7. Option #1: I can do 1 in a mini-semester, 3 in the summer, 1 in the second mini-semester and one with each internship and still graduate when I planned. However I'm afraid that type of schedule will kill me (I already have a friend who keeps telling me that I'm killing myself with stress as it is)!!! There is one class that I HAVE to take in a mini-semester, so I know that I will be doing at least one mini-semester. Option #2: is just to move the second mini-semester to the first mini-semester or summer 1 the following year and I will still graduate by the end of May or June to be able to apply for jobs. Option #3: is to say heck with trying to rush through it all, give myself a break and take 4 classes in the spring, 3 over the summer (including the mini-semester, 4 in fall, 1st internship in Spring 2012, take summer 2012 off (I won't know what to do with myself - maybe I can find a job, even if it is temp work) and then graduate Fall of 2012. That might make it harder to find a job, but I could do long term subbing or work at a place like Silvan Learning Centers. In and all input would be appreciated. I really leaning toward option 2, it seems like that will give me the best chance to get a job and not kill myself while doing it.

Hopefully after Monday I can get back to updating on a somewhat normal basis.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Year Ago

Anniversaries are big to me. Some I celebrate, some are hard, and some have so many mixed emotion attached to them that I couldn't even begin to describe them. This anniversary falls into the last group. One year ago I started down the road to get my second BS in Secondary Mathematics Education. This has been more challenging then I ever thought it would be, but I'm also more convinced than ever that this is what I'm SUPPOSE to do.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Powerful Weekend

This weekend was wonderful and powerful. I have been struggling a lot lately. I have started Beth Moore's book "So Long Insecurities" and it is wonderful but it has brought out into the light a lot of things that need to be dealt with. Right now everything is so very raw and I feel like I have been beaten up.

Saturday I attended the Ladies Conference and it was a wonderful morning. God used this experience to step all over my toes. The conference dealt with a lot of the issues that I have been struggling with. I was glad that I was in the sound booth running slides that morning, because I spent most of the conference in tears and if I could have I would have run out of the room. I have never been very comfortable crying or really showing any emotion in public other than a smile....yea I know that is one of the things that I'm working on.

Sunday was such a sweet day of worship with my church family. Great services in the morning. Kidz Choir was wonderful. It is such a blessing getting to hear kids worship. We finished off the day with a powerful worship service in the evening.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Growing isn't for wimps

I have been reminded once again to never pray and ask to God to grow you in a certain area unless you are ready to really work on that area. God is faithful to answer our prayers and he is faithful to complete the work that He has started in us!!! It is true that great blessings come from being obedient, however at times to get there is also times of discouragement and trials.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1: 2-4

I'm freaking out a little about this coming semester!!! I have taken a really challenging load, and just as classes are starting Grandma gets sick. Thankfully she seems to be doing better. It just seems that whenever I start to pursue what I feel that I called to something gets in the way to make it even harder. Maybe that is a good thing though!!!

Trying to see the joy and not worry!!!